• Motive Meaning

    True Motive behind What you See and feel



    About Me


    Blog Purpose:

    Share knowledge that is educative, inspirational and motivational in nature

    Blog Description 

    Motive Meaning Blog get people from different walks of life to gather around the points made in the blog, digest them and guide them in finding real-life solutions. To do this, we share our knowledge about the motive or meaning of what's visible in our world around. Teachers will have an eye-opener about things they had been missing in their profession, students will be guided on the best practices for academic success, while graduates, school leavers and professionals in different areas will also get a glimpse and grips to the life realities from which they can draw lessons to improve their lives in the holistic point of view. The presented ideas will be based either on personal experiences or on scientific research. In addition to this, not only the owners of the blog will publish, but also experts in various areas who feel like sharing their expertise on how some phenomena come about, will be highly welcome.

    People are allowed to subscribe, comment and ask a question on each article published and even suggest rectification in case of any undetected misleading information or there is important knowledge that is necessary to complete the presented thoughts and ideas.

    You are all welcome to the Motive meaning Blog and feel yourselves at home, at your school or at your Educational and motivational agora.

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